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  • Feature Name:
  • Start Date: YYYY-MM-DD
  • Authors:
  • Issue: (one or more # from the issue tracker)
  • PR: (PR # after acceptance of initial draft)


What is proposed?


What problem does this RFC solve?

Why do we need to solve this problem?

Try to abstract the solution in one paragraph.

Technical design


  • Questions about the functionality:

    • What existing behaviors have been changed, and what specific goals are hoped to be achieved?
    • What new behaviors are being added, and what specific goals are hoped to be achieved?
  • Questions about performance:

    • What performance metrics are being improved, and by how much?
    • How will the performance be tested and verified by the author(s)?
  • Questions about Stability:

    • What existing behaviors are being changed, and what specific goals are hoped to be achieved?
    • What new behaviors are being added, and what specific goals are hoped to be achieved?
    • How will the stability be tested and verified by the author(s)?
  • ...


What goals are not being addressed by this change? And why?

Design Details

  • How will the change be implemented?
  • High level design considerations should be included here, but not low level details.
  • You can list new APIs, abstractions, behaviors, new system tables, but not the actual code.


  • How do users enable/disable/use this feature?
  • Is there a change in the current behavior?
  • Provide examples of how to use the feature if you think it will be helpful.

Future Works

  • What future work do you expect to be done after the initial implementation of the feature?


  • List any references to external documents, websites, or other resources that are relevant to this proposal.
  • Please make sure all references are publicly accessible.