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Getting Started with Kubernetes

This article describes how to quickly launch a WeScale cluster in a Kubernetes cluster and outlines some basic cluster operations, such as modifying configurations, viewing logs, connecting to the cluster, and more.

WeScale uses Kubeblocks as the Kubernetes Operator. Thanks to the powerful operational capabilities of Kubeblocks, you can deploy and use WeScale locally or with any cloud provider.


Install Kubernetes Cluster With Kind

Before you begin, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster. If you don't have one, you can create a cluster using Minikube or Kind.

For example, you can use Kind to create a Kubernetes cluster with the following commands:

brew install kind
kind create cluster

Install Kbcli

You can install kbcli on your laptop or virtual machines on the cloud. kbcli now supports macOS, Windows, and Linux. Please refer to the following link for installation instructions:

For MacOS & Linux users, you can install kbcli with the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash

Install Kubeblocks

Once you have installed kbcli, you can install Kubeblocks with the following command. For more information, please refer to the following link:

kbcli kubeblocks install

Cluster Management

Create a WeScale Cluster

You can create a WeScale cluster with just one command. For example, you can create a WeScale cluster named vt with the following command:

kbcli cluster create mysql vt --mode raftGroup --availability-policy none --proxy-enabled true 

List All WeScale Clusters

You can list all WeScale clusters with the following command:

kbcli cluster list

Delete a WeScale Cluster

You can delete a WeScale cluster with the following command:

kbcli cluster delete vt

Connect to a WeScale Cluster

Connect to a WeScale Cluster Through VTGate

kbcli cluster connect vt --component vtgate

Connect Directly to the MySQL Server Managed by WeScale

kbcli cluster connect vt


View the Configuration

  • View the Configuration of VTGate
kbcli cluster describe-config vt --components vtgate --show-detail
  • View the Configuration of VTTablet
kbcli cluster describe-config vt --components mysql --show-detail --config-specs vttablet-config
  • View the Configuration of MySQL
kbcli cluster describe-config vt --components mysql --show-detail --config-specs mysql-consensusset-config

Modify the Configuration

  • Modify the Configuration of VTGate
kbcli cluster edit-config vt --components vtgate
  • Modify the Configuration of VTTablet
kbcli cluster edit-config vt --components mysql --config-spec=vttablet-config
  • Modify the Configuration of MySQL
kbcli cluster edit-config vt --components mysql --config-spec=mysql-consensusset-config