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Start to deploy & debug a local cluster

This document explains how to start a WeSQL WeScale cluster on your local machine and begin debugging. We have made every effort to make this document intuitive and helpful for a successful deployment, but inevitably, you may encounter some corner cases that lead to failure. If you have any issues, please feel free to open an issue. We also welcome your help in improving the document if you are willing to do so.

Install Dependencies

Start a WeSQL WeScale cluster locally, which relies on the following software: mysqld, mysql, go, etcd. You can use the following command to determine whether they have been installed.

mysqld --version
mysql --version
go version
etcd --version


If you are using macOS, you can use Homebrew to install dependencies.

brew install automake go mysql mysql-client etcd

When MySQL and etcd installs with brew it will start up automatically, you will want to shut this process down, as WeSQL WeScale will be managing the startup and shutdown of MySQL and etcd:

brew services stop mysql
brew services stop etcd


If mysqld or etcd is not installed on your local machine, you can use the following command to install it.

As for Go, you can refer to this document for installation:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y mysql-server etcd

Windows WSL

Setting up the debugging environment on WSL needs extra operations, as some scripts may not run as a superuser. By default, WSL runs as a superuser, so we need to create an additional regular user. Here are the specific steps:

  1. First, use the following commands to create a regular user:
useradd -m username   # Use -m to create a home directory for the user.
passwd username # Change the password for the regular user.
usermod -aG sudo username # Allow the user to use sudo.
  1. Since the debugging environment is based on GoLand, and GoLand connects to the WSL terminal using the default WSL user, we need to change the default WSL user to the newly created regular user:
vim /etc/wsl.conf
# Add the following content:
default = username

Then, open PowerShell and shut down WSL:

wsl --list --running   # List running WSL instances.
wsl --shutdown name # Replace 'name' with the name of the instance to shut down.

After this, when you enter WSL again, you will log in as the regular user. You will also notice that GoLand's terminal connects as the regular user.

  1. Clone the source code again as the regular user, as the source code cloned by the superuser may have permission problems. Before cloning the source code, do not forget to generate an SSH public key for the regular user using ssh-keygen and configure it on GitHub.

Build & Install

Pull Source Code

git clone
cd wescale


You can call make build command to build the whole project. If the compilation is successful, you can use ls bin to see that many binary executable files have been generated.

make build


It will take some time for WeSQL WeScale to build. Once it completes, you should see a bin folder which will hold the WeSQL WeScale binaries. You will need to add this folder to your PATH variable, so that the command line can directly call the newly generated binary file.

ls bin
export PATH={WeSQL WeScale-project-root-path}/bin:$PATH

Deploy & Debug

You can deploy a WeSQL WeScale cluster locally by using the scripts in wescale/examples/mysql folder


cd examples/mysql

Once the WeSQL WeScale cluster is successfully launched, you should see these messages:

MySQL endpoint:
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P17100
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P17101
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P17102

VTGate endpoint:
mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P15306

You can use the following command to connect to WeSQL WeScale

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P15306


If you would like to debug VTGate or VTTablet, you may want to start them in IDE.

You can kill the vtgate/vttablet process started by the script and start vtgate/vttablet from an IDE for debugging. The program arguments can refer to the startup options of vtgate got from ps aux command:


There is a convenient way to help you start a local cluster for debugging purposes. You can add an environment variable debug=on when starting a cluster.

It will start a cluster first, then all vtgate and vttablet processes will be killed.

debug=on ./

Let's take VTTablet as an example:

You should configure the Run kindPackage pathWorking directoryEnvironment and Program arguments

You can follow the settings in the picture, but remember to replace the file paths with the ones on your own computer. As stated previously, program arguments can be viewed by using the ps aux command.


However, when using the ps aux command to obtain information about the program arguments of vttablet, there is no argument value following the --tablet_hostname flag, which will lead an error in GoLand. You can obtain the hostname by running hostname in the terminal and then use it as the value of hostname flag.

Shut down

Shutdown the cluster. If some of the processes fail to shutdown, you can kill all the processes manually and delete the vtdataroot directory.
