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Injecting FailPoints in WeScale for Enhanced Error Testing

In prior tests, simulating extreme scenarios proved challenging. To facilitate error testing and subsequent onlineDDL development, we've incorporated the GitHub tool - pingcap/failpoint: An implementation for Go's failpoints. This article mainly delves into using failpoint for error injection and the process to dynamically enable failpoints.


The process of using failpoint is as follows:

  • Register failpoint within the code flow.
  • Use make failpoint-enable to generate error code.
  • Activate exceptions via environment variables, failpoint.Enable, or through dynamic activation.
  • Once the exception is activated, corresponding tests can be conducted.
  • Use make failpoint-disable to restore the code.

How to Inject failpoint:

You can inject exceptions into the code by invoking the failpoint.Inject() function. Let's consider the create-database-error-on-dbname failpoint as an example. The create database statement passes through the createDatabaseInternal function, where we'll introduce a failpoint:`

func createDatabaseInternal(ctx context.Context, ts *topo.Server, f func() error, keyspaceName string, cells []string) error {
failpoint.Inject(failpointkey.CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname.Name, func(v failpoint.Value) {
if v != nil && v.(string) == keyspaceName {
failpoint.Return(fmt.Errorf("create-database-error-on-dbname error injected"))
return nil

After injecting this exception, it won't interfere with the primary business logic. To generate error code, use the make failpoint-enable command:

func createDatabaseInternal(ctx context.Context, ts *topo.Server, f func() error, keyspaceName string, cells []string) error {
if v, _err_ := failpoint.Eval(_curpkg_(failpointkey.CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname.Name)); _err_ == nil {
if v != nil && v.(string) == keyspaceName {
return fmt.Errorf("create-database-error-on-dbname error injected")
return nil

Activating failpoint:

Three methods currently support failpoint activation:

Environment Variables

Activate failpoint via the GO_FAILPOINTS environment variable, e.g.,



Activate failpoints statically within the code:

package vtgate

import (



func GetValueOfFailPoint(fpName string) failpoint.Value {
failpoint.Inject(fpName, func(v failpoint.Value) {
return 0

func TestFailpointEnable(t *testing.T) {
failpoint.Enable("", "return(1)")
require.Equal(t, 1, GetValueOfFailPoint("testPanic"))

Using SET for failpoint activation

You can now employ set @put_failpoint='key=value' and set @remove_failpoint='key' commands. Moreover, you can view various failpoint statuses using show failpoints, making it convenient to draft test cases and debug. The interactions in MySQL would look something like this:

mysql> show failpoints;
| failpoint keys | Enabled |
| | false |
| TestFailPointError | false |
| | true |

mysql> set @put_failpoint='TestFailPointError=return(1)';

mysql> show failpoints;
| failpoint keys | Enabled |
| | false |
| TestFailPointError | true |
| | true |

mysql> set @remove_failpoint='TestFailPointError';
Query OK, 0 rows affected
mysql> show failpoints;
| failpoint keys | Enabled |
| | false |
| TestFailPointError | false |
| | true |

Only registered failpoint-keys can be dynamically activated using SET and SHOW commands. This is the preferred method to add failpoints:

  • Define the failpoint-key to be injected. For instance, add the corresponding failpoint definition in failpoint_key.go and include it in FailpointTable. Use CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname as an example, where each key comprises:

    • FullName: Failpoint with package name.
    • Name: Excludes package name.
      var (
    TestFailPointError = FailpointKey{
    FullName: "TestFailPointError",
    Name: "TestFailPointError",
    CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname = FailpointKey{
    FullName: "",
    Name: "create-database-error-on-dbname",
    func init() {
    err := failpoint.Enable("", "return(1)")
    if err != nil {
    FailpointTable = make(map[string]string)
    FailpointTable[CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname.FullName] = CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname.Name
    FailpointTable[TestFailPointError.FullName] = TestFailPointError.Name
  • Inject this failpoint within your procedure

    When injecting, please use the FailpointKey defined in failpoint_key.go as the name:

func createDatabaseInternal(ctx context.Context, ts *topo.Server, f func() error, keyspaceName string, cells []string) error {
failpoint.Inject(failpointkey.CreateDatabaseErrorOnDbname.Name, func(v failpoint.Value) {
if v != nil && v.(string) == keyspaceName {
failpoint.Return(fmt.Errorf("create-database-error-on-dbname error injected"))
return nil

By following this guide, you can effectively use failpoints in your WeScale environment, ensuring precise and controlled error handling during testing and development.